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Símbolo Hispano Aviación

Legal notice

The following text regulates the use of the website www.haviacion.com by Internet users. Read the Legal Notice carefully each time you visit this website as it may be modified at any time. If you do not agree with the provisions, do not use the website.


In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that the owner of the website is ROBERTO RABINA SIMÓN with tax address at:
* Round of Outeiro 35
* 15009 – A Coruña
*NIF 32793360Y
* Telephone: 981 174 338


Through this website users are provided access to various content and information made available by www.haviacion.com
ROBERTO RABINA SIMÓN reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the website, as well as the contents, products and services contained therein.

The access, navigation and use of the Website of www.haviacion.com entails and supposes the acceptance by the User of these General Conditions.

In this sense, User will be understood as the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities, free or onerous, developed on the website.

The purpose of this Legal Notice is to regulate the access, navigation and use of the website, without prejudice to the fact that ROBERTO RABINA SIMÓN may establish particular conditions that regulate the use of services and/or contracting of specific products offered to Users through the site. Web.

Access conditions

When it is necessary to provide personal data for access to certain content or for the use of a service, users will guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity.

ROBERTO RABINA SIMÓN will give said data the corresponding automated treatment depending on its nature or purpose, under the conditions and terms indicated in the Privacy Policy section.

Intellectual property / copyright

RABIN AIR SL holds ownership of this website. All industrial and intellectual property rights on this Internet portal are the exclusive property of the company that owns the website or of third parties (unless otherwise indicated), therefore access to it or its use by of the user, it should not be considered, in any way, as the granting of any license to use or right over any asset.

The rights derived from legitimate uses or other limitations recognized by law, the moral rights of the author, as well as the rights that other people may hold over the work itself or its use, are not affected by the license in any way.

RABIN AIR SL will not assume any responsibility derived from the use by third parties of the content of the website and may exercise all civil or criminal actions that correspond to it in case of infringement of these rights by the user.

It is necessary to authorize the installation of cookies sent by the server of the Website.


The contents incorporated into the website have been prepared at all times in good faith with the purpose of providing information to users, so the company does not assume any type of responsibility regarding the integrity or accuracy of said information nor does it guarantee the accuracy. nor the updating of the information that can be obtained from it, which may be modified without prior notice. Nor is it responsible for any typographical, formal or numerical errors that the website may contain.

ROBERTO RABINA SIMÓN is not responsible for the misuse that users may make of the website.

Responsibility for the operation of the website.

ROBERTO RABINA SIMÓN will try to minimize the problems caused by errors of a technical nature, being able to proceed to the temporary suspension of the services and contents of the website to carry out maintenance, improvement or repair operations, without this giving rise to any compensation to the user. for these concepts.

It is noted that some information contained on this website may have been created or collected in files or formats that are not free of errors, so it cannot be guaranteed that the service will not be interrupted or affected by such problems.

The company does not assume any responsibility regarding the damages that could be caused to the user as a result of consulting this web page, or those other external ones that are forwarded.

The company will not be responsible in the event of service interruptions or malfunctions that originate from acts of God, force majeure or other causes beyond its control.

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